Privacy Policy


The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect from 25 May 2018. In the UK, the GDPR was supplemented by the UK Data Protection Law; to both regulate the use of personal data - how it is collected, processed, stored and transferred.

The Cornhill Club takes its data protection responsibility very seriously and maintains safeguards for how the personal information of its members is handled. The Club only holds information necessary for the effective management of The Club’s purpose - organising speaker and dining events, subscriptions monitoring, production of the Members Handbook and the occasional canvassing of views on matters associated with the effective running of The Club by means of surveys and networking. The Club does not pass, sell or trade information for profit or gain.

The Club operates on the understanding that unless members specifically inform The Club about changes, we assume all data held is accurate. You have the right to access any data we hold about you, and you can request the removal of this data once your membership has ceased by emailing

All data held at The Cornhill Club is password protected and secure and the Committee undertakes all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please email if you would like to receive a hard copy or have any questions related to this statement.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file, stored on a user's hard drive by a website. Its purpose is to collect data relating to the user's browsing habits. You can choose to be notified each time a cookie is transmitted. You can also choose to disable cookies entirely in your internet browser, but this may decrease the quality of your user experience.

Use of Email Tracking Pixels

All emails sent by the system (Simmetrics Ltd my Clubhouse software) contain a tracking pixel. This is used to track whether each email has been opened by the recipient, and when. This information can be viewed by those users of the membership system with permission to view email delivery reports. We do not display any information regarding the location of the recipient. Note that the tracking pixel is only activated if the recipient chooses to download images into their email client.

Data Processor

We, The Cornhill Club, make use of myClubhouse software supplied by Simmetrics Ltd to process personal data in accordance with our privacy policy set out above. Simmetrics Ltd processes your personal data on our behalf and they can only do so in accordance with our written instructions. You can find the details of our data processor’s privacy policy here: